
I did something I haven't done in years the other night- recorded a song demo.  I had written a song (no lyrics) for my friend Dee Dee a couple years go, and finally got together with Ben Trexel and Dee Dee to record the bones of the song.  I don't know if it will ever get finished, but it was a great thing for me to do personally.

I wish I had the time, money, and tenacity to set up a recording studio myself, but I know I would not 'fool with it' as I tend to think of the process.  It was so nice having Ben there to deal with the software etc.  I create motion graphics and edit video for a living, and wrangling a recording is too much like what I do for a job every day.  

Anyway, if it ever gets done I will post it.  In the meantime, I have been working on arpeggios in major, minor, and now dominant 7th chords on guitar, and still chugging away at a Bach invention on piano.  Every time I get a little glimmer of a clue of what I'm doing, it's the best feeling ever.  There is a thing on a hike called a 'false summit' where you think you are about to be at the top of the hill, but you ascend to a step instead. Once upon that step you can see the hilltop is still far ahead, yet seems attainable.  That is what music is like for me. It's not sisyphean because you never lose the gains in understanding that you make. At least that's how I see it.



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